Elon Musk reveals ways to monetize Twitter

Elon Musk and his big Twitter takeover have paved the way for an array of speculations on what would occur next. The addition of Dogecoin, the comeback of Donald Trump, and similar conjectures have been put forward by Twitteratti. The monetization of Twitter is one such widely discussed topic. While Musk has kept things lowkey, several began protesting that handing over Twitter to the Tesla CEO was a bad idea. The possibility of paying for a service that was free all this while did not seem to sit well with Twitter users.

Some even suggested that Elon Musk secured funding to purchase the social media platform by pitching the idea of monetizing it. Earlier today, Musk took to Twitter and cleared the air about how the platform would be free to use. Not for everyone though.

Musk noted that casual users could access Twitter free of cost, and commercial or government users would have to pay a price to employ the platform.

Twitter will always be free for casual users, but maybe a slight cost for commercial/government users

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 3, 2022

Twitter users took a big sigh of relief following this tweet. However, the role that Dogecoin might have in Elon Musk’s Twitter is still under the wraps.

Is Elon Musk’s takeover fueling DOGE adoption?

The mere news of Elon Musk acquiring Twitter helped Dogecoin bag prominent gains. It seems like most of them have significant trust in the possible inclusion of DOGE.

Mexico’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Bitso finally extended support towards the OG meme crypto.

¡@dogecoin llegó a Bitso!

Doge fue creada en el 2013 y basaron el nombre e imagen del proyecto en una raza de perros llamada “Shiba Inu”.

Aunque $DOGE inicialmente fuera una moneda meme, hoy en día tiene una importante tracción en el mercado. pic.twitter.com/dlw6IKbEGU

— Bitso (@Bitso) May 3, 2022

Surprisingly Doge-killer, Shiba Inu [SHIB] secured a spot on the exchange back in January itself. Several were stunned by this abrupt and suggested that Musk’s Twitter takeover could have given the push that Bitso needed to list Dogecoin.

Additionally, at press time Dogecoin was trading for $0.132 with a 1.84 percent surge over the last couple of hours. After inching closer to the coveted top ten, DOGE dropped to the 12th rank with its market cap at $17.66 billion.


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