Celsius lawyers claim users gave up legal rights to their crypto
Lawyers for the bankrupt crypto lender reaffirmed that user funds essentially belonged to the company and not the user, with potentially one major exception.
How The Government Seizes Assets And Why Bitcoin Is A Problem For Statists
In a world with third-party custody and self-custody, bitcoin is the clear winner for offering protection from government overreach and seizure. This is an opinion editorial by Rowdy Yates, a…
Eliminating “Buy And Hold” Myths
By Lucas Montero, Technical Analyst at Finanflix HOLD! Many times, we’ve heard about the virtues of “Buy and Hold” and how this strategy would result in great benefits. This can…
RUNE Pumps 18% as THORChain deactivates non-native tokens
The BEP-2 and ERC-20-based variants are being swapped out for the upgraded native RUNE token after THORChain’s long-awaited mainnet late last month.
Celsius Lays Out Mining-Focused Reorganization Plan at First Bankruptcy Hearing
Bankruptcy proceedings for Celsius have officially begun – and the odds that depositors will get their money back look slimmer than ever.
Fund Manager Fintonia Group Receives Provisional Virtual Assets License in Dubai
Sinapore-based crypto fund Fintonia Group has secured a provisional virtual assets license in Dubai.