Elon Musk Postpones Twitter Deal, Two Execs Leave Company
Elon Musk postpones his plans to buy Twitter.Two Twitter executives are leaving the company. Trump’s return to Twitter is also postponed.

As Tesla stock prices dropped, Elon Musk announced his decision of postponing his plans to buy Twitter. The delay came with many other obstacles as Twitter executives are starting to leave after years of service in the company.

The news came in a tweet on Elon Musk’s official Twitter page.

Meanwhile, Twitter has announced that two of the bosses are already leaving the company. The two members are Kayvon Beykpour, who led Twitter’s consumer division, and Bruce Falck, who oversaw revenue. Both of the members tweeted on Thursday that the departures were not their decisions.

Interrupting my paternity leave to share some final @twitter-related news: I’m leaving the company after over 7 years.

— Kayvon Beykpour (@kayvz) May 12, 2022

Kayvon Beykpour talked about his resignation in a series of tweets, where he said in the second tweet “The truth is that this isn’t how and when I imagined leaving Twitter, and this wasn’t my decision. Parag asked me to leave after letting me know that he wants to take the team in a different direction.”

He also expressed gratitude and wished the company good days right before he congratulated the new head of consumer product at twitter, Jay Sullivan, saying “congratulations to @jaysullivan. I’m grateful the universe brought us together and that you took the leap to join the team and take on new responsibilities quickly. I know Bluebird is in great hands under your leadership.”

In other news, his promises to reverse the permanent ban on former US President Donald Trump are also put on hold until further notice. “I would reverse the permanent ban but I don’t own Twitter yet so this is not a thing that will definitely happen,” said Musk in an event earlier this week.


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